Monday, December 15, 2008

If the De Ro trade is still getting you down

I'm trying to stay positive with the whole "Trust in Dom and Canetti" mantra ringing through my brain, pausing only for a quick repetition of "Moreno/Ngwenya! Jaqua! Kamara! WHOOP!"

However, I have found this video surprisingly helpful.

1 comment:

The Manly Ferry said...

Cheer up, buckaroo. Grey skies will clear up, so put on that happy face!

In all seriousness, he's aging - DeRo that is. Think of it this way: this spares you from telling yourself he still has magic in those legs - not to mention seeing signs of the same - two years down the line...just keep that in mind when DDR smacks two past your bunch next time they play TFC.