Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rattlesnake venom can be a powerful thing indeed

There is very little I can say in the way of advance for tomorrow's game at Wembley that isn't said or shown in this video. Suffice to say that I will be wearing the colors tomorrow, and I fully expect everyone else to be doing the same. It's time to see just how powerful rattlesnake venom can be when facing down three lions in their den.

Also tomorrow night the Dynamen will be at Robertson North up in Frisco, hoping to continue the dominance over the candystriper thugs. Personally, I'm throwing out last week's game as an aberration with all of the history and motivation. The fact of that matter is that once the Orange see those candy-ass red stripes, they'll know what to do. (Or so I hope!)

Official predictions from the head: England and Dynamo each win 2-1.

Predictions from the heart: USA and Dynamo. All. The. Way.

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