Tuesday, January 29, 2008

OFM and Football Manager: Online Football Strategy Games

During my spare time, I like to play soccer management games. These have varied over the years, from 1-Nil to Sick as a Parrot to play by email and Championship Manager Games. My latest fancies are Online Football Manager (OFM) and Football Manager. Both are free with extra costs for add-ons.

OFM is rather simplistic and most of the game mechanics- lineups, tactics- can be completed within 15 minutes or so depending on the speed of your internet hookup. Games are played nightly and a full season takes about a month to a month and a half depending on the league. Unfortunately, you cannot keep your team (with its subsequent changes) past one season though you can keep playing the same team in the same league year after year. I struggled in my first season with the Dynamo- with a 4th place goal, I only finished 7th. I was ready to quit but lucked into a site discussing tactics. The OFM site is secretive at best on this subject so discovering tactical advice was striking gold. My second season the Dynamo came within 4 points of finishing 1st. I added another team- Napoli in Serie A and was only expected to place 16th, avoiding relegation. Instead, I took the crown by 4 points, overcoming much more skilled and wealthy teams. This is a fun game! I am currently managing two teams predicted for relegation- Excelsior (Dutch League; 5th place now but hoping to move up in the latter 3rd of the season) and Fulham (just beginning season). I’m very happy for the OFM Strategy Discussion to continue here though I am no expert.

Football Manager is much more intricate with league games held 1-2 times weekly. This is truly a game for OCD micromanagers- you control almost everything- stadium, coaches, training, training camps… ad naseum. You don’t get a real team- I currently manage Hicksville. You can rename your team but it costs part of your budget. This is great fun if you have the time- which I don’t often have. Tactics are also somewhat guarded on the site- like OFM, you are encouraged to learn by trial and error and this often means losing. Still, I highly recommend both sites.

I tried to play Hattrick but before I could get started, I had to perform lots of tasks as prerequisites to game play. Looks great but already overloaded, especially playing the above. Feel free to comment on your experiences with Online Soccer/Footy Sims and strategies.


Martin Hajovsky said...

Links to these? I can't seem to find them.

playtherapy said...

Wow. Had in my original post. Here they are:

Manager Zone-

Anonymous said...

Great post,

. Since the beginning of internet, online games have been popular. Enthusiasts have embraced everything from online gambling to the Sims and have spent hours playing games either alone or in virtual communities. Sports enthusiasts have carved out their own niche on the Web, with fantasy football and baseball leagues and all types of sports-related online games.

playtherapy said...

Thanks, money game. What I've found is off game site forums are the few places where people will discuss tactics. On the actual game sites, there's a "figure it out for yourself attitude". Yes, each has its own niche and can be a heckuva lot of fun. Though tactically simplistic, they can provide some strategic experiential education to the novice eager to learn about such things as the advantages and disadvantages of certain formations and how some occasionally have a rock-paper-scissors effect on each other. Fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

Can you please post the link to the site discussing tactics on OFM.co.uk?
Just when I think i understand what it takes to win I start losing again...it would help alot

Anonymous said...

Yep I love football management games too. My favourite is ITN Soccer, it has a nice community, and the game is small so it's fun and you get to know your opponents. You can try it at www.itnsoccer.com

Online Casinos said...

Online football games are best loved by guys. I'm hoping somehow girls would have the chance to like the games too.

Anonymous said...

I like this online strategy manager games.

Play more strategy game: www.darkagewars.com

Amelia Grace said...

hi Amelia Grace from uk i lve to watch football games with my friends my brother ve a very gud collection of american football games on his LG G2 he

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